Sunday, July 24, 2011

Belly Pictures :)

Here are a couple pictures we have taken over the past few weeks. I rarely get out of my pajamas, so it's hard to keep up with the pictures as I'm usually not in the mood:) I knew my belly was getting bigger when three people at the grocery store asked if I would be delivering in a few days. It was so funny to see their reaction when I told them I'm having 3 babies and that I still have 15 weeks left!  My actual due date is November 28th, but they won't let triplets go past 36 weeks. Therefore, my goal is to make it until the end of October.

Here I am 2 weeks ago (20 weeks).....

Here I am today (22 weeks).......


  1. Misti you look fantastic!! The blog is a great idea, love to see the kiddos!

    love ya!

  2. You look amazing, Misti! Thanks for sharing. Your blog name is perfect. So glad the boys are doing well. We look forward to your updates!
    Love, Kelly, Ryan & Noah

  3. Misti- You look beautiful as always! I'm so happy for you! Congratulations on your growing family! My prayers will be with you (all) as your pregnancy journey continues!
    Happiness, health, and love to you,
    Kelly (Wilson) Vogelbaugh
