Sunday, December 8, 2013


So...... I'm trying to conclude my blog in order to make a book out of my posts. While thinking back over the past couple years, so many emotions and memories fill my head, that it makes hard to come up with the exact words to end this blog. Here goes my best shot......

To Brennan, my husband and the best father I know. There aren't enough pages in this book to express how much thanks you deserve!  I crack up thinking of you sleeping on an air mattress  every night for a year, in order to hear the boys wake up, feed them (which took two hours), and then get up the next morning and head to work!  I think I mentioned in an earlier post how happy I am that these three boys have such an amazing, strong man to emulate!  I can't figure out how you handle everything you have do, but I am truly grateful for your strength, patience,  and above all love, you show us on a daily basis! Thank You! Ps... I love you;)

To our family and friends... thank you so much for all of your prayers, help, and constant support given to us over these past couple years. There is no way we could have made it through without you! I wish I had the time to list all of you by name, but please know how much you truly mean to us, and how much we appreciate all you did, and continue to do for our family!

While the past two years have been extremely tiring and challenging, one thing remains the same.... We have four amazing, beautiful, compassionate, sweet children that fill our lives with so much joy and love! To this day, I cannot figure out what I did so right that God thought I deserved the honor to be the mother of these children. On April 20th 2011, I went to bed thinking "why me?", now every night I go to bed thinking "Thank God, It Is Me!"  I don't know what the future holds for these four, but I'm extremely excited, and forever grateful  that I get to take the journey with them.

With Love,

Christmas 2013, Emersyn 4 years, Boys, 26 months

Emersyn, Wyatt, Parker, & Hayden

Hayden, Wyatt, Emersyn, & Parker

Emersyn & Wyatt

My Little Lady & Me

Some of My Favorites... August 2013

Hayden, Em, Parker, & Wyatt

Parker, Wyatt, Em, & Hayden

Em & Parker, "If You're Happy and You Know It"

"Ring Around the Rosie"

Hayden, Em, Parker, & Wyatt

Parker & Wyatt

Emersyn & Hayden

Em, Parker, Hayden, & Wyatt

August 2013, Emersyn 3.5 years, Boys 22 months









October 2012, Emersyn 2.5 years, Boys 12 months