Monday, September 26, 2011

31 Week Update

We've made it another week...yay! Today the doctor said that each week is a huge milestone, but to remember to take it a day at a time. The boys are doing extremely well.  A few days ago, Baby C had a couple drops in his heart rate during monitoring, so they decided yo administer an ultrasound everyday to keep a closer eye on him. Thankfully, all of his ultrasounds thus far have come back with great results. The doctor thinks he was probably laying on his umbilical cord during monitoring which caused the drop in his heart rate. I'm just glad they're being extra cautious. They complete ultrasounds on all of the boys every Monday and Thursday. It's so nice and reassuring to get to see them all so often.  They will take measurements of the boys again at 32 weeks. I can't wait to find out how much they've grown. My prayer is that they all continue to grow and develop inside of me for a few more weeks!

As  for me, I am still having contractions periodically throughout the day. Luckily, the oral medication is continuing to keep them under control. The doctor says I'm usually running 3 to 4 contractions per hour. However, during the night it's a different story.  Last night the nurse said I was having anywhere from 5 to 8 an hour, which is pushing it.  The good news is this only last a couple hours, and they are not too painful. I'm hoping to remain on the oral medicine as long as possible, but the doctor said that there will probably come a time when it will become ineffective and I will have to go back on the IV medication.
Overall, I really can't complain. I'm  just a little uncomfortable, and I'm getting huge:) I know, the bigger the better! We want three healthy boys! I just  pray that God continues to allow my body to grow and safely carry them for as long as possible.

PS... I will post a picture of my ever-growing belly in the next couple days:)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Zoo Pictures

Megan and my mom took Emersyn, Finley, and Beau to the zoo. Here are some moments Megan captured with her camera.....

Pictures from my room

Tiffany came to visit the first weekend I was admitted. It couldn't have been better timing. She definitely lifted my spirits, and gave me great advice on how to survive this long hospital stay. She had to stay in the hospital almost 5 weeks before delivering her quads!

Megan and Finley brought me dinner one evening. After we ate, Finley wanted to push her mom in my wheelchair.  It put a smile on my face.

My room is really nice and big. It has an attached "man cave" with a couch (Brennan's bed), microwave, tv, and refrigerator.  Here's the view from my bed.

Monday, September 19, 2011

30 Weeks!, Weight Check!

Baby A:  4lbs, 1oz

Baby B:  3lbs, 9oz

Baby C:  3lbs, 2oz

I am very excited to have made it to 30 weeks! I'm even more thrilled with the babies' weights! The doctor was very pleased, and said that all three are growing at an appropriate rate. What a blessing!

Friday, September 16, 2011

29 weeks, 5 days

This week has been pretty good. The doctor says I'm doing very well on the oral medication and that my contractions have really slowed down.  I asked her what her prediction was on how far I will go, and she said 34 weeks! She said as long as the boys cooperate, there is no reason I couldn't make it that far. That was encouraging to hear. She said I will have another ultrasound on Monday to calculate weights, measure cervix, etc.
 I've been approved for one thirty minute wheelchair ride a day. So, yesterday Megan brought Emersyn out and wheeled us down to the lobby to get some Starbucks. I miss her so much! I love seeing her, but it is so hard when she leaves. It just breaks my heart!

My brother, Cory, and his girlfriend, Katie are in Indy for a visit. It is so nice to see them! When I first was admitted, eighteen days ago, I put a star on the date they were coming, and made that a goal to reach. Cory has always been so supportive and such a wonderful big brother. Katie is so sweet as well. I'm so glad Emersyn will have 3 brothers to protect her like Cory has Megan and me over the years. I'm sure a little teasing will be thrown in along the way. When Cory walked in today I was laying in bed. He commented that I wasn't that big. I told him to just wait until I stood up. That was all it took. As soon as I got up, he couldn't help but laugh!  That's ok, he's the only one I'd let get away with it:)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Good News, Bad News

The good news is we've made it to 29 weeks! The bad news is I won't be going home:(  Unfortunately my cervix has shortened enough that my doctor doesn't feel comfortable sending me home. I have to admit, I was upset when I heard the news, but I know this is the safest place to be right now. I'll keep you posted on the latest! Please keep praying!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Hello from Community North Hospital

It's me! I've been wanting to blog for so long, but they have me laying on my side and therefore it makes it a little difficult to type. That, plus,  I don't know where to begin. These past ten days have been just a bit overwhelming! First, the latest news from my doctor. And, thankfully it's good! Two days ago they decided to try me out on the oral medicine procardia. They had tried this before, but it wasn't successful. My contractions picked up within a couple hours of being off the IV medicine.  Luckily, this time my body has responded better. I'm still having contractions, just not as frequently or as strong as before. So, the doctor said she is going to keep me on the oral medicine over the weekend, and then on Monday check to see if my cervix has been effected by the contractions.  If not, she said I will get to go home! Obviously I would be on strict bed rest, but to be able to go home to Emersyn...I would lay as still as possible!

No words can express how grateful I am for all the visitors, prayers, texts, phone calls, etc. that have been sent our way. They are truly appreciated, and put a smile on my face. It brings me so much peace to know that there are people across the country praying for the boys! I better stop there...I don't want to get too emotional and spike my contractions:)

Even through all this, I feel so blessed to be carrying these babies. It is so worth it!  I just can't wait to meet them! Well, I can wait a few more weeks:)

I'll keep you posted on what we find out on Monday. Hopefully, I'll be packing my bags!


Monday, September 5, 2011

28 Weeks today!

Huge milestone...but it didn't come without the craziness that occurs on a daily basis.  Last night Misti started having contractions again that were significant enough for the nurse to wake her during a dead sleep. The funny part is that she was sleeping so sound that she actually forgot where she was.  I now know where Em gets her pain tolerance...because it surely wasn't from me.  The nurse was pretty close to calling the doctor in the middle of the night...but Misti battled through....again, and the contractions are under control.  She's been pretty nauseous (is that spelled right?!) all day, but you'd never know it. The girl is resilient!  So proud of her and how she's handling all of this.  The doctors say that everything she is experiencing now is pretty typical .  I think the challenge has been that Misti had her mind set on getting to 36 weeks and this little speed bump has forced her to re-evaluate those goals.  I wouldn't put it past her to get to 36...she sets her mind to something and she gets it done :)  But the reality, based on what everyone has told us this week, is that getting to 28 weeks without any major incidents is a miracle in its own the goals are still there, they are just more focused on getting through today vs getting to several weeks down the road.

Misti always tells me I ramble, so I am going to stop now.  She only wanted me to give a quick update (apparently only the girls are allowed to 'blog'). But before I go, I did want to take the opportunity to personally thank everyone for all of their help, prayers, support.  Clearly, our family and friends are more amazing than any human being deserves to have. Two people in particular I really want to take the chance to thank are Mi-Mi and Megan.  These two are obviously the people that are constantly there when I can not be.  We couldn't do this without them.  I'm so grateful for the sacrifices they  make (and Pa-paw and Pete make) on a daily basis.

Tomorrow the boys are going to be measured...and we'll hopefully have some more specific information about what the next few weeks will look like. 

Love you all....and please keep the comments/texts etc. coming.  She reads every one of them.  It helps get her through these long days :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Quick Update

This morning the doctor came in and told Misti that the contractions had slowed down enough to try an oral medication, in hopes that it would work and she could go home on Saturday.  Unfortunately, after being on the medicine for only a couple of hours, the contractions started picking up again.  So, she was put back on the magnesium for at least the next couple of weeks.  Therefore, it looks like she's going to be in the hospital for the long haul.:( 

The good news is she had an ultrasound earlier today, and the babies all look great! Also, her cervix is still at a good length (hopefully that's not too much info:).  Emersyn was able to visit today, so that lifted her spirits. Brennan's parents from California are visiting, so I'm here with Mist tonight.  She says to thank everyone again for the thoughts and prayers, and she hopes to be back blogging again soon! 
