Monday, September 5, 2011

28 Weeks today!

Huge milestone...but it didn't come without the craziness that occurs on a daily basis.  Last night Misti started having contractions again that were significant enough for the nurse to wake her during a dead sleep. The funny part is that she was sleeping so sound that she actually forgot where she was.  I now know where Em gets her pain tolerance...because it surely wasn't from me.  The nurse was pretty close to calling the doctor in the middle of the night...but Misti battled through....again, and the contractions are under control.  She's been pretty nauseous (is that spelled right?!) all day, but you'd never know it. The girl is resilient!  So proud of her and how she's handling all of this.  The doctors say that everything she is experiencing now is pretty typical .  I think the challenge has been that Misti had her mind set on getting to 36 weeks and this little speed bump has forced her to re-evaluate those goals.  I wouldn't put it past her to get to 36...she sets her mind to something and she gets it done :)  But the reality, based on what everyone has told us this week, is that getting to 28 weeks without any major incidents is a miracle in its own the goals are still there, they are just more focused on getting through today vs getting to several weeks down the road.

Misti always tells me I ramble, so I am going to stop now.  She only wanted me to give a quick update (apparently only the girls are allowed to 'blog'). But before I go, I did want to take the opportunity to personally thank everyone for all of their help, prayers, support.  Clearly, our family and friends are more amazing than any human being deserves to have. Two people in particular I really want to take the chance to thank are Mi-Mi and Megan.  These two are obviously the people that are constantly there when I can not be.  We couldn't do this without them.  I'm so grateful for the sacrifices they  make (and Pa-paw and Pete make) on a daily basis.

Tomorrow the boys are going to be measured...and we'll hopefully have some more specific information about what the next few weeks will look like. 

Love you all....and please keep the comments/texts etc. coming.  She reads every one of them.  It helps get her through these long days :)


  1. Congrats on getting to 28 weeks! So happy for you. You are so strong! That's so amazing! I would be a total whimp. I can't wait to hear how the boys are doing/measuring. I will keep saying lots of prayers for you and the boys! xoxo

  2. Hang in there Misti! I'm sorry, I know mag isn't fun. (I can still remember the feeling from 17 years ago!!) It is going to help the boys get bigger and stronger though. We are praying for all of you!!
