Friday, September 16, 2011

29 weeks, 5 days

This week has been pretty good. The doctor says I'm doing very well on the oral medication and that my contractions have really slowed down.  I asked her what her prediction was on how far I will go, and she said 34 weeks! She said as long as the boys cooperate, there is no reason I couldn't make it that far. That was encouraging to hear. She said I will have another ultrasound on Monday to calculate weights, measure cervix, etc.
 I've been approved for one thirty minute wheelchair ride a day. So, yesterday Megan brought Emersyn out and wheeled us down to the lobby to get some Starbucks. I miss her so much! I love seeing her, but it is so hard when she leaves. It just breaks my heart!

My brother, Cory, and his girlfriend, Katie are in Indy for a visit. It is so nice to see them! When I first was admitted, eighteen days ago, I put a star on the date they were coming, and made that a goal to reach. Cory has always been so supportive and such a wonderful big brother. Katie is so sweet as well. I'm so glad Emersyn will have 3 brothers to protect her like Cory has Megan and me over the years. I'm sure a little teasing will be thrown in along the way. When Cory walked in today I was laying in bed. He commented that I wasn't that big. I told him to just wait until I stood up. That was all it took. As soon as I got up, he couldn't help but laugh!  That's ok, he's the only one I'd let get away with it:)


  1. Yeah for visitors!! Sounds like you are doing great!

  2. I think you look great!!! Hang in there! Can't wait to meet your three little boys!!

  3. You look fantastic, I can hardly tell there are 3 rambunctious boys in there. OH, I used to love working with that kid, ask him about the time he made me try chewing tobacco...I was like 16 years old, for real! He's good at dishing it out, that's for sure. Tell him I said Hi, and keep on keeping on girly!

  4. I'm so glad to hear you were able to have visitors! Emersyn is so sweet and cute! Aren't brother's great! Ha ha. Tell Cory I said hi! You look GREAT! You do not look like you are carrying triplets. You are all belly too! Keep up the good work!
