Monday, September 26, 2011

31 Week Update

We've made it another week...yay! Today the doctor said that each week is a huge milestone, but to remember to take it a day at a time. The boys are doing extremely well.  A few days ago, Baby C had a couple drops in his heart rate during monitoring, so they decided yo administer an ultrasound everyday to keep a closer eye on him. Thankfully, all of his ultrasounds thus far have come back with great results. The doctor thinks he was probably laying on his umbilical cord during monitoring which caused the drop in his heart rate. I'm just glad they're being extra cautious. They complete ultrasounds on all of the boys every Monday and Thursday. It's so nice and reassuring to get to see them all so often.  They will take measurements of the boys again at 32 weeks. I can't wait to find out how much they've grown. My prayer is that they all continue to grow and develop inside of me for a few more weeks!

As  for me, I am still having contractions periodically throughout the day. Luckily, the oral medication is continuing to keep them under control. The doctor says I'm usually running 3 to 4 contractions per hour. However, during the night it's a different story.  Last night the nurse said I was having anywhere from 5 to 8 an hour, which is pushing it.  The good news is this only last a couple hours, and they are not too painful. I'm hoping to remain on the oral medicine as long as possible, but the doctor said that there will probably come a time when it will become ineffective and I will have to go back on the IV medication.
Overall, I really can't complain. I'm  just a little uncomfortable, and I'm getting huge:) I know, the bigger the better! We want three healthy boys! I just  pray that God continues to allow my body to grow and safely carry them for as long as possible.

PS... I will post a picture of my ever-growing belly in the next couple days:)


  1. That is such awesome news!!! I bet it makes you feel so much better to see them and since I know you get ultrasounds on Monday and Thursday I will continue to check in on those days...and a few days in between ;)

  2. What GREAT news!!!! That's so nice you are able to see them so often. I can't wait to hear their new measurements! Also, can't wait to see your belly pics. I bet you look adorable - as usual! Keep up the great work! Saying lots of prayers and thinking about you guys a ton!!!

  3. Oh, and my friend Stacey that e-mailed you just found out today she is having 3 boys too and is almost 20 weeks.

  4. Woo hoo for 31 weeks!! You sound positive which is amazing. The ultrasounds have to be the best part of the day. Can't wait to hear how much they have grown.

  5. Hang on...What a gift you give of yourself!
    "You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give." Kahlil Gibran
    Love Tia
